Elma United Methodist Women
The organized unit of the United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience the freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
All Women are invited to belong to the UMW and to attend the LUNCH BUNCH at the Olive Tree in Lancaster (5240 Broadway), at 12:30 pm. Separate checks are provided as the ladies enjoy fellowship and lunch while discussing different programs the UMW will support. Happy Birthday is wished to all people celebrating that month. PLEASE ATTEND. All are welcome.
***Lunch Bunch will not be meeting over the summer (June, July, August), we will resume in September***
Please watch the announcements page for the various actives of the Elma UMW throughout the year.
Annual June Dinner
All women invited!
Sponsored by Elma United Women in Faith (UMW)
TUESDAY, June 11th, 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Cost: $15 per person which includes catered dinner.
Speaker: Diane and Ken Thurlow from Clara's Closet Refugee Services, located in Central Park UMC
The wish list for Clara's Closet includes size 5&6 children's disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, full size bottles of women's , men's, and children's shampoo and body wash, and laundry detergent. Please bring items to the dinner
Purchase tickets before/after church service or contact Cheryl Buechi, Judi Wollen, or Rose Shiesley Reservations/tickets by June 7th.
Sponsored by Elma United Women in Faith (UMW)
TUESDAY, June 11th, 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Cost: $15 per person which includes catered dinner.
Speaker: Diane and Ken Thurlow from Clara's Closet Refugee Services, located in Central Park UMC
The wish list for Clara's Closet includes size 5&6 children's disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, full size bottles of women's , men's, and children's shampoo and body wash, and laundry detergent. Please bring items to the dinner
Purchase tickets before/after church service or contact Cheryl Buechi, Judi Wollen, or Rose Shiesley Reservations/tickets by June 7th.