There are several opportunities for adults, youth and children to participate in musical ministries at EUMC.
In addition to opportunities listed below, those with instrumental talent as well as those interested in offering solos are encouraged to participate in various services throughout the year. Those wishing to share their musical talent may contact Nan Keller, (Worship Music Minister) where their interest lies. Children interested in sharing their musical talent may speak with Claire DeNies or Nan Keller.
In addition to opportunities listed below, those with instrumental talent as well as those interested in offering solos are encouraged to participate in various services throughout the year. Those wishing to share their musical talent may contact Nan Keller, (Worship Music Minister) where their interest lies. Children interested in sharing their musical talent may speak with Claire DeNies or Nan Keller.
Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir is our four part adult choir led by Nan Keller. This ministry is open to all. Rehearsals are on SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:45 AM in the upstairs William Champion Choir Room. The Chancel Choir sings some Sundays at the 9:15 am service.
Bell Choir

Elma UMC is looking to renew its Bell Choir. If you would like to participate in this beautiful sound, please contact Laura Buechi or speak with Nan Keller.
Youth Choir

The Youth Choir meets at approximately 10 am Sunday mornings from September through May. The youth choir will usually sing on the 3rd Sunday of the month.