Sunday Worship Services
Sunday morning worship begins at 9:15am in-person in the main sanctuary.
Starting June 29th - September 7th our Sunday Worship Service will be held outdoors at 9:15am.
In the event of rain, we will move into the Fellowship Hall around tables for a more informal, relaxed,
summery setting indoors.
Psalm 96:9a NKJ: Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
At EUMC we believe the God of all Creation, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is to be worshiped, praised, and glorified by God's people. Our blended worship service has something for everyone who seeks to follow Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit leads.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Lisa
Join us! You are welcome!
HOLY COMMUNION is offered every Sunday. ALL are invited to partake. Consecrated pre-packaged elements may be picked up from the church to use when participating online.